News Published: July 16, 2024

Advancing personalized tissue therapies: VERIGRAFT P-TEV clinical trial update

We are excited to share progress from our ongoing Phase I/II clinical trial in Europe, where eleven of the planned fifteen patients have now been treated with our Personalized Tissue-Engineered Vein (P-TEV) product. Four of these eleven patients have completed the twelve-month follow-up period.

The trial is evaluating P-TEV’s potential to cure patients with chronic venous insufficiency, a condition caused by faulty valves that fail to prevent the backflow of venous blood.

The primary endpoints of the trial focus on safety, assessing risks such as infection, mechanical failure and thrombosis. Secondary endpoints will measure the efficacy of the treatment.

“So far, the results are exceeding expectations, confirming safety and showing significant promise for our innovative approach,” said Petter Björquist, CEO of VERIGRAFT. “Our commitment to advancing regenerative medicine and providing personalized treatments that enhance recovery and improve quality of life is yielding encouraging outcomes.”

Click here to learn more about VERIGRAFT’s innovative tissue therapy technology.

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