Clinical trial principal investigator Dr Christina Lopez Espada presented positive data from the TECVI-1 clinical trial at the European Symposium on Vascular Biomaterials (ESVB) 2023 in Strasbourg on April 21. Dr Lopez Espada, from Hospital Virgen de las Nieves in Granada, Spain, held a presentation titled “State of the art on tissue engineered veins”. In this speech she presented data from the ongoing clinical trial where VERIGRAFT´s frontline product P-TEV (Personalized Tissue-Engineered Vein) is being tested as a cure for CVI (Chronic Venous Insufficiency). P-TEV is a human vein segment for use in transplantation to replace a defective or missing part of a patient’s vein. The severe and incurable stages of CVI currently affect at least 1 million patients in the EU and North America alone. The disease significantly impacts quality of life and puts numerous patients out of work or into disability programs. CVI is a major burden to patients, employers, and health care systems. VERIGRAFT estimates that it’s first product P-TEV has the potential to cure patients with severe CVI and enable them to return to a normal life.
For more information about the conference: ESVB Symposium (