News Published: November 26, 2019

VERIGRAFT is a partner in the Advanced Therapies Vision Driven Health Project

VERIGRAFT is proud to be a partner in the Advanced Therapies program under ’Vision Driven Health’.

The Advanced Therapies field is one of five recipients of funding under the program ’Vision Driven Health’, recently launched by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova. Through “vision-driven innovation environments”, the program supports consortia of both public and private actors with necessary competencies to set ambitious but achievable long terms goals to meet important health challenges through system level change. The advanced therapies project vision is for “Sweden to become a world leader in development and implementation of advanced therapies by 2030”.

The Advanced Therapies Vision Driven Health project is coordinated by Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) and begins with 17 partners from healthcare, industry, regulatory authorities, academia, and relevant institutions.